QA weekly focus: SVG

This week, we are kicking off a continuing “QA Weekly Focus” to attract attention to certain topics and areas.

For this first week, let’s look into issues related to our SVG support.

SVG stands for “Scalable Vector Graphics“, a widespread, open vector format and standard. It has become the most used vector format on the web, and it is for example used as the default format in Inkscape, the open source vector graphics editor.

LibreOffice supports importing and exporting SVGs in various places, and these issues are tracked in 3 meta bugs:

  • 88278: SVG import image filter (all modules)
  • 111450: SVG fileSave filter (Draw/Impress)
  • 156066: SVG filters

In recent months, the SVG topic got a fair amount of attention, in particular thanks to Xisco Fauli’s work on the import filter (see illustration).

Number of SVG-related fixes per version, with a steep increase in the two latest branches: 7.6 and 24.2.

The number of SVG-related patches has never been as high as in our latest release (7.6) and our upcoming release (24.2)

Our friends at Inkscape have also recently voiced their interest in improving interoperability with LibreOffice (see Inkscape’s post on Mastodon).

So let’s keep the momentum going, test how well SVG files are handled by LibreOffice, and review existing reports! They might need to be clarified, consolidated, or even closed because of all the recent improvements.

The list of bugs to review is in this collaborative pad. You can join IRC to chat with the QA team, and ask questions.

Thanks everyone for your contributions!

  1. 9 months ago
  2. 2 months ago
  3. 2 months ago
  4. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

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