7 Oct 2021

QA/Dev Report: September 2021

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 7.2.1 was released on September 16
  2. LibreOffice 7.1.6 was released on September 9
  3. Allotropia published a couple of blogposts about their recent work on master documents and ODF 1.3 transition
  4. Alain Romedenne improved the Help content for the ScriptForge library
  5. Adolfo Jayme Barrientos improved the accuracy of some Help texts and made some smaller fixes
  6. Rafael Lima created a guide about Calc macros for formatting cell borders, improved the Help pages for Slide master, Calc AutoCorrect and document encryption.
  7. Steve Fanning improved the help for EUROCONVERT and CONVERT_OOO Calc functions
  8. Olivier Hallot (TDF) added Help pages for Accessibility Check Tool, ProtectFields and ProtectBookmarks, improved the pages for GPG signing and Database Advanced Settings, added examples for using Calc functions in macros and updated many menu item references.
  9. Ilmari Lauhakangas (TDF) replaced Help’s index filtering JS library with a more performant one
  10. Jean-Pierre Ledure worked on the ScriptForge library
  11. Ross Johnson improved paragraph keyboard navigation in Writer and fixed a problem with the grouping of Help index filter results
  12. Juan C. Sanz implemented connecting to a Firebird server (still missing UI)
  13. Natalia Gavrilova made Calc’s focus rectangle use the highlight colour rather than the default font colour
  14. Aleksei Nikiforov (basealt) fixed a Linux crash related to SVG icon themes
  15. Pierre Marty (Linagora) fixed an Impress autolayout issue
  16. Tor Lillqvist (Collabora) worked on the iOS version
  17. Daniel Arato (NISZ) fixed issues with footers in XLSX export and custom shapes in DOCX export
  18. Jim Raykowski completed the work on Navigator focus tracking for all content types while greatly improving its performance and improved the Outline folding feature
  19. Tibor Nagy (NISZ) added support for hyperlinks in images in PPTX import
  20. Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) added line thickness presets for borders and fixed a couple of DOCX import hyperlink issues
  21. Gábor Kelemen (NISZ) fixed a regression in Mail Merge email output ranges
  22. Michael Stahl (allotropia) fixed an issue of spelling dialog in Impress messing up text formatting in shapes and made several crash fixes
  23. Regina Henschel fixed an issue with line object rotation in XLSX export
  24. Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) improved the Calc colour filter feature
  25. Áron Budea (Collabora) fixed a crash caused by a performance improvement
  26. Julien Nabet made emoji toolbar button work on Windows, fixed a regression in Calc’s standard filter with gtk3 UI, improved the behaviour of Base’s Direct SQL dialog and fixed the percentage display in the Check for Updates dialog
  27. Jan-Marek Glogowski (allotropia) made internal directory handling and Windows-specific printing related code more robust
  28. Rizal Muttaqin updated Sukapura and Colibre icon themes
  29. Ilhan Yesil made internal hyperlinks in spreadsheets work in the Android app
  30. Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) continued working on the new searching and indexing feature
  31. Hossein Nourikhah (TDF) fixed a font size problem in WMF graphics and added preliminary support for Visual Studio 2022 for building on Windows
  32. László Németh (NISZ) improved the coverage of change tracking, adding paragraph style tracking and making table tracking more complete
  33. Stephan Bergmann (Red Hat) made many code and build-related cleanups
  34. Chris Sherlock continued VCL refactoring work
  35. Michael Weghorn made many improvements to Windows and Qt 5 accessibility and added a Qt 6 VCL plugin
  36. Eike Rathke (Red Hat) fixed several Calc regressions related to number formats, date patterns, sorting and filtering. He also improved date pattern recognition robustness and made out-of-bounds dates show an #FMT error
  37. Justin Luth (SIL) improved the DOC/DOCX support for multi-level list attributes in paragraph styles and made Writer table row height optimisation more robust
  38. Mike Kaganski (Collabora) introduced per-process lock directories for Firebird to allow running multiple LibreOffice Base instances with Firebird embedded databases. He also fixed other Firebird issues like crashes, a LIST function issue and path issues. He also made many code cleanups and optimisations
  39. Luboš Luňák (Collabora) improved the backtrace functionality (code debugging), improved the performance of Calc’s COUNTIF function and made many code and build-related cleanups
  40. Andreas Heinisch added support for case-insensitive operations for non-ASCII characters in the VBA Collection object, made it so missing optional parameters in Basic code are handled properly, improved handling of CSV files in UTF-8 with BOM format, made it possible to set cell font colour from VBA macros and improved VBA error messaging
  41. Tünde Tóth (NISZ) fixed handling of password protection in XLSX and DOCX files
  42. Xisco Faulí (TDF) made a couple of dozen additions and improvements to automated tests
  43. Balázs Varga (NISZ) fixed losing images and shapes in charts upon OOXML export and made it possible to save ranges in a single Mail Merge document
  44. Attila Bakos (NISZ) added support for text in grouped shapes
  45. Caolán McNamara (Red Hat) improved robustness of Sidebar minimum widths, fixed issues with fonts in Base table views, content of Base Tablecontrols being invisible in PDF export, Windows spell checking underlines rendered with a black background and continued implementing the new GTK4 backend. He also made many cleanups and crash fixes
  46. Heiko Tietze (TDF) made it so Application colour Field Shading is respected with dark backgrounds, added colour palettes to integrated providing of additions, improved Calc’s Paste Special dialog and made it possible to access Writer table formula editing via context menu
  47. Miklos Vajna (Collabora) added support for ODT import and export of multi-level list paragraph style attributes, improved Writer layout XML dump (debugging feature), added support for linked character styles in Writer (including DOCX support), fixed unwanted shadow blurring in imported PPTX files, fixed image frame anchor type changing upon DOCX export and undo not restoring image anchor position
  48. Noel Grandin (Collabora) made it faster to load large Writer tables, insert large charts and export PDFs, optimised the parallel loading of spreadsheets and made many code cleanups and smaller optimisations

Kudos to Ilmari Lauhakangas for helping to elaborate this list.

Reported Bugs

591 bugs, 67 of which are enhancements, have been reported by 331 people.

Top 10 Reporters

  1. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 41 )
  2. Telesto ( 38 )
  3. Mike Kaganski ( 18 )
  4. elias estatistics ( 11 )
  5. flywire ( 9 )
  6. Elmar ( 8 )
  7. John ( 8 )
  8. medmedin2014 ( 7 )
  9. Rafael Lima ( 7 )
  10. Luke Kendall ( 6 )

Triaged Bugs

571 bugs have been triaged by 88 people.

Top 10 Triagers

  1. Heiko Tietze ( 52 )
  2. Xisco Faulí ( 52 )
  3. Roman Kuznetsov ( 50 )
  4. Dieter ( 43 )
  5. Timur ( 42 )
  6. Buovjaga ( 39 )
  7. m.a.riosv ( 28 )
  8. Julien Nabet ( 27 )
  9. Mike Kaganski ( 26 )
  10. Telesto ( 16 )

Resolution of resolved bugs

589 bugs have been set to RESOLVED.

Check the following sections for more information about bugs resolved as FIXED, WORKSFORME and DUPLICATE.

Fixed Bugs

186 bugs have been fixed by 43 people.

Top 10 Fixers

  1. Caolán McNamara ( 18 )
  2. Eike Rathke ( 8 )
  3. Andreas Heinisch ( 8 )
  4. Mike Kaganski ( 7 )
  5. László Németh ( 7 )
  6. Heiko Tietze ( 6 )
  7. Balazs Varga ( 6 )
  8. Julien Nabet ( 5 )
  9. Noel Grandin ( 5 )
  10. Miklos Vajna ( 5 )

List of critical bugs fixed

  1. tdf#144132 Crash when insert formula object in Writer ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  2. tdf#144184 Calc disables header/footer or looses footer content when saves a spreadsheet ( Thanks to Daniel Arato (NISZ) )
  3. tdf#144740 Criteria query (COUNTIF(), MATCH() et al) for numeric values broken considering number formats ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )

List of high severity bugs fixed

  1. tdf#143854 FILESAVE: Empty bullet added when saving from PPT to ODP ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  2. tdf#144106 FILEOPEN: LibreOffice crashes on opening CSV file with “Trim spaces” option enabled ( Thanks to Stephan Bergmann )
  3. tdf#144155 CALC Row operations over 100 times slower in 7.2 compared to 7.1 ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  4. tdf#144209 Result with “Precision as shown” with custom string+General number format becomes 0 ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )
  5. tdf#144249 Deleting 10.000 rows column in a spreadsheet: 15 sec with 4.1| 10 sec up to 300+ sec with 6.2| 130 sec with 7.3 ( Thanks to Luboš Luňák )
  6. tdf#144729 Crash when trying to modify a style (gtk3 only) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )

List of crashes fixed

  1. tdf#117842 Firebird: Enabling connection pooling for firebird:sdbc driver crashes Libo when creating connection to data engine ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  2. tdf#140951 Base crashes as soon as I start an ‘Abfrage’ (Windows) ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  3. tdf#144106 FILEOPEN: LibreOffice crashes on opening CSV file with “Trim spaces” option enabled ( Thanks to Stephan Bergmann )
  4. tdf#144132 Crash when insert formula object in Writer ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  5. tdf#144135 Calc causes repeatable fatal crash when I attempted to sort columns ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )
  6. tdf#144139 LO crashes when trying to print a form ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  7. tdf#144193 CRASH: importing document (gtk3) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  8. tdf#144304 CRASH: Selecting all and cutting in specific document / Inserting section ( Thanks to Aron Budea )
  9. tdf#144340 A query against an embedded FB database fails, and then crashed program on close on Windows ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  10. tdf#144376 Crash when triggering twice “Protected cells can not be modified” (reproducible) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  11. tdf#144564 CRASH When reloading mail merge documents ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  12. tdf#144598 Crash in: SkRect::round() ( Thanks to Luboš Luňák )
  13. tdf#144624 LibreOffice with “gen” UI backend crashes on Linux of SVG icon theme is default ( Thanks to Aleksei Nikiforov )
  14. tdf#144729 Crash when trying to modify a style (gtk3 only) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )

List of performance issues fixed

  1. tdf#125892 Time to export a certain PDF increased with in 10 fold (previously 30 seconds (6.0) now 5 minutes (6.4) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  2. tdf#143268 Slow response in document with many tables after Table tree is expanded in Navigator ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
  3. tdf#144155 CALC Row operations over 100 times slower in 7.2 compared to 7.1 ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  4. tdf#144249 Deleting 10.000 rows column in a spreadsheet: 15 sec with 4.1| 10 sec up to 300+ sec with 6.2| 130 sec with 7.3 ( Thanks to Luboš Luňák )

List of old bugs ( more than 4 years old ) fixed

  1. tdf#100777 Bind Ctrl+Up/Down to uno:GoToStartStartOfPara/EndOfPara (instead of next/prev. paragraph) ( Thanks to Ross Johnson )
  2. tdf#105689 Emoji toolbar button (bug 100100 emoji.json implementation) not functional on Windows ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  3. tdf#35129 Form spin button doesn’t expose ROLE_SPIN_BUTTON to AT-SPI ( Thanks to Michael Weghorn )
  4. tdf#39828 Writer table not calculating correctly if Tracked Changes shown ( Thanks to László Németh )
  5. tdf#45525 TABLES, Problem on adjust selected Row or Column to equal space ( Thanks to Justin Luth )
  6. tdf#50421 UI: “Check for Updates” menu leads to an unusable dialog (shows “%PERCENT%”) ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  7. tdf#73139 PRINTING: Content of Tablecontrols isn’t printed, when the whole Fonts are default (black) text color ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  8. tdf#88163 [WMF] FILEOPEN Wrong size of fonts ( Thanks to Hossein )
  9. tdf#89383 Writer: Read-only passwords on OOXML files are not working ( Thanks to Tünde Tóth )
  10. tdf#95378 Navigator does not select/highlight names of images, objects, tables etc that get focus, also not with Content View activated ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )


69 bugs have been retested by 36 people.

Top 10 testers

  1. Roman Kuznetsov ( 10 )
  2. Buovjaga ( 9 )
  3. Dieter ( 5 )
  4. Telesto ( 4 )
  5. Julien Nabet ( 4 )
  6. Xisco Faulí ( 3 )
  7. Heiko Tietze ( 3 )
  8. Alex Thurgood ( 2 )
  9. Elmar ( 2 )
  10. Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) ( 2 )


154 bugs have been duplicated by 37 people.

Top 10 testers

  1. Timur ( 27 )
  2. Xisco Faulí ( 17 )
  3. Buovjaga ( 16 )
  4. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 12 )
  5. m.a.riosv ( 10 )
  6. Heiko Tietze ( 7 )
  7. Mike Kaganski ( 7 )
  8. Telesto ( 6 )
  9. Jan-Marek Glogowski ( 5 )
  10. Ming Hua ( 5 )

Verified bug fixes


7 Sep 2021

QA/Dev Report: August 2021

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 7.2 was released on August 19
  2. Hossein Nourikhah (TDF) published a series of posts explaining how he fixed an interoperability issue. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
  3. Alain Romedenne improved the Help content for the ScriptForge library
  4. Rafael Lima created Help pages for Development Tools, Search Commands, wildcards, removing duplicates in Calc, clarified and improved many pages and updated menu item references. He also added buttons for cloning and clearing direct formatting to Draw’s tabbed interface
  5. Olivier Hallot (TDF) updated the intro video for online Help, created a page for Multivariate Regression in Calc and updated many menu item references. He also made several fixes to extended tooltips
  6. Jean-Pierre Ledure worked on the ScriptForge library
  7. Daniel Arato (NISZ) fixed a shape rotation issue with XLSX import
  8. Miklos Vajna (Collabora) fixed the handling of linked background images and the rendering of graphic bullets with linked images, improved Writer’s bibliography feature, made it so list levels in paragraph styles are retained in DOCX files and fixed a shape property value entanglement issue
  9. Noel Grandin (Collabora) continued converting uses of the homegrown osl::Mutex to std::mutex (locks preventing race conditions in threaded code), fixed issues found by Thread Sanitizer (TSan), improved the loading speed of certain XLS files, DOC files with RTL content, DOCX files with massive tables and RTFs with coloured text. He also made complex Logo commands and SVGs with pattern fills render faster and made many code cleanups and smaller optimisations
  10. Attila Bakos (NISZ) fixed an issue with textboxes falling out of shapes in some cases
  11. Arnaud Versini made some code cleanups
  12. Heiko Tietze (TDF) made some accessibility improvements and made the colour of comments bar customisable
  13. Luboš Luňák (Collabora) made the Skia graphics engine integration work on macOS, including Metal acceleration support
  14. Muhammet Kara (Collabora) improved the redaction toolbar
  15. Kevin Suo fixed an issue with embedded fonts in imported PDFs
  16. Michael Warner fixed a problem with LibreOffice not closing when opened through the API
  17. Chris Sherlock continued VCL refactoring work
  18. Gábor Kelemen (NISZ) fixed table of contents heading style issues with DOCX files and added user-friendly names for UNO commands for opening Sidebar decks
  19. Bubli fixed Image toolbar not matching sidebar regarding Area Fill info
  20. Szymon Kłos (Collabora) made many improvements and additions to jsdialog used by Online
  21. Julien Nabet fixed a problem with MySQL/MariaDB data types, fixed a regression causing data loss upon saving to XLS(X) and improved some UI strings
  22. Hossein Nourikhah (TDF) improved developer documentation and made some code cleanups
  23. Tibor Nagy (NISZ) added support for exporting some slideshow settings in PPTX format and fixed a slide titling issue in imported PPTX files
  24. Dennis Francis (Collabora) fixed the display of some newline characters in imported XLSX files
  25. László Németh (NISZ) fixed several issues with change tracking
  26. Balázs Varga (NISZ) added support for handling named ranges in XLSX files and fixed an axis positioning issue with OOXML chart import
  27. Xisco Faulí (TDF) fixed a crash when saving large spreadsheets and added a couple of dozen automated tests
  28. Dante Doménech improved MathML support and made Calc summation code take advantage of AVX512 CPU instruction set extension for increased speed
  29. Vert D improved the template manager UI
  30. Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) made outline changes done via Tools -> Chapter Numbering be tracked by undo/redo, fixed a Writer anchor positioning issue when zooming and improved outline numbering
  31. DaeHyun Sung improved support for Korean number formats
  32. Roman Kuznetsov fixed an issue in the layout of the Windows installer
  33. Mike Kaganski (Collabora) fixed losing charts upon XLSX export, saving two-column setting in shapes to ODS and made many code cleanups and optimisations
  34. Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) improved the support of hyperlinks in textboxes and shapes
  35. Andreas Heinisch fixed issues with return values and optional parameters in Basic, improved the sorting of custom document properties, fixed a layout issue with table control dialog elements and corrected the default width of CSV columns with multiline cells
  36. Michael Meeks (Collabora) fixed a crash related to UI widgets
  37. Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) improved Development Tools and Search Commands, continued working on the new searching and indexing feature and made some code cleanups and refactorings
  38. Eike Rathke (Red Hat) added support for Klingon and made several improvements to the handling of language tags and date formats, improved the robustness of Calc’s regex search, added an option ‘Evaluate formulas’ to CSV import and paste, added support for sep= separator setting in CSV import, improved the performance of CSV import preview and page break updates in certain cases, added handling of embedded null-characters in CSV import and fixed a name collision issue with named expressions and symbols in XMLSchema-2
  39. Caolán McNamara (Red Hat) fixed multiple style attributes being written into a single tag in HTML documents, fixed an issue with not being able to close Tip of the Day dialog when Impress Template dialog is also visible, fixed a performance issue with 1000 selected shapes in Draw and continued implementing the new GTK4 backend. He also made many cleanups and crash fixes
  40. Tünde Tóth (NISZ) fixed an issue with Calc’s Database Range dialog closing, if invalid name was inputted
  41. Regina Henschel fixed an issue with incorrect positioning of grouped shapes in DOCX import, fixed many issues with wrap settings in DOCX import, fixed DOCX export of Bezier curves and fixed an issue with messed up polylines in VML import
  42. Justin Luth (SIL) fixed an issue with comment markers affecting spellchecking, fixed an issue with outline level not being inherited from style assigned as Chapter Numbering in DOCX import and fixed issues with unwanted paragraph spacing in DOCX import
  43. Stephan Bergmann (Red Hat) made many code and build-related cleanups
  44. Jan-Marek Glogowski (allotropia) improved the robustness of the kf5 and qt5 UIs
  45. Bayram Çiçek finished the GSoC project “100 Paper Cuts”
  46. Sary Nasser finished the GSoC project “Integrate .ui dialogs with translation tooling/string search webservice to help translators”
  47. Akshit Kushwaha finished the GSoC project “Tests for the VCL graphic backends”
  48. Balázs Sántha finished the GSoC project “Implementing table styles DOCX support”
  49. Panos Korovesis finished the GSoC project “Make SVM (StarView Metafile) format independent of the VCL Metafile + tests of the format”
  50. Anshu Khare finished the GSoC project “Styles Highlighter”
  51. Tushar Kumar Rai finished the GSoC project “Implement Interface for external data source import into Calc”

Kudos to Ilmari Lauhakangas for helping to elaborate this list.

Reported Bugs

544 bugs, 52 of which are enhancements, have been reported by 320 people.

Top 10 Reporters

  1. Telesto ( 35 )
  2. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 26 )
  3. TorrAB ( 11 )
  4. Regina Henschel ( 11 )
  5. Mike Kaganski ( 10 )
  6. Timur ( 10 )
  7. sophie ( 10 )
  8. Rafael Lima ( 9 )
  9. Robert Großkopf ( 8 )
  10. Colin ( 7 )

Triaged Bugs

698 bugs have been triaged by 96 people.

Top 10 Triagers

  1. Roman Kuznetsov ( 81 )
  2. Heiko Tietze ( 49 )
  3. Jean-Baptiste Faure ( 47 )
  4. Timur ( 44 )
  5. Buovjaga ( 40 )
  6. Julien Nabet ( 31 )
  7. steve ( 22 )
  8. Xisco Faulí ( 22 )
  9. Dieter ( 21 )
  10. Eleonora Govallo ( 20 )

Resolution of resolved bugs

553 bugs have been set to RESOLVED.

Check the following sections for more information about bugs resolved as FIXED, WORKSFORME and DUPLICATE.

Fixed Bugs

182 bugs have been fixed by 39 people.

Top 10 Fixers

  1. Caolán McNamara ( 24 )
  2. Eike Rathke ( 12 )
  3. László Németh ( 7 )
  4. Regina Henschel ( 6 )
  5. Andreas Heinisch ( 6 )
  6. Miklos Vajna ( 6 )
  7. Julien Nabet ( 6 )
  8. Vasily Melenchuk ( 5 )
  9. Mike Kaganski ( 5 )
  10. Rafael Lima ( 4 )

List of critical bugs fixed

  1. tdf#143728 Certain presentation crashes Impress after starting slideshow (Win crashes, Linux hangs) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  2. tdf#143896 FILESAVE XLSX 1001+ rows are lost after saving new file ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  3. tdf#143940 FILESAVE: add a new line in a large spreadsheet and save causes crash ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )

List of high severity bugs fixed

  1. tdf#142003 FILEOPEN Tracked changes in .doc file footnotes shift to the right ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  2. tdf#142264 charts lost by calc export to xlsx ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  3. tdf#143023 Forms: Event “When losing focus” in tablecontrol appears when receiving focus ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  4. tdf#143657 Tools → SQL: Command couldn’t be executed. ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  5. tdf#143858 Outline numbering not showing any number, only the prefix/suffix ( Thanks to Vasily Melenchuk )
  6. tdf#143957 Crash when switching transitions (kf5) ( Thanks to Jan-Marek Glogowski )
  7. tdf#143990 Multilevel outline numbers not showing ( Thanks to Vasily Melenchuk )

List of crashes fixed

  1. tdf#143572 Crash clicking Shape 2 Text Frame ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
  2. tdf#143577 Crash on image delete with “Show outline-folding buttons” ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
  3. tdf#143728 Certain presentation crashes Impress after starting slideshow (Win crashes, Linux hangs) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  4. tdf#143769 Calc crashes if a background for a sketch is selected ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  5. tdf#143843 Crash in: weld::CustomWidgetController::SetPointer(PointerStyle) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  6. tdf#143940 FILESAVE: add a new line in a large spreadsheet and save causes crash ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  7. tdf#143957 Crash when switching transitions (kf5) ( Thanks to Jan-Marek Glogowski )
  8. tdf#144008 LO crashes when macro tries to start a form document in Base (kf5 only) ( Thanks to Jan-Marek Glogowski )
  9. tdf#144022 Calc crashed in Copy & Paste Special ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  10. tdf#144105 LO crashes during mail merge wizard when an address block is modified ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )

List of performance issues fixed

  1. tdf#101083 Insert SVG with too small scaling causes LibreOffice to hang, consuming 100% cpu ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  2. tdf#131546 FILEOPEN DOCX: File takes longer to open in master ( Thanks to Balazs Santha )
  3. tdf#139220 Regression: Selection of elements is very slow ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  4. tdf#143499 Slow response in document with many headings ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  5. tdf#143852 FILEOPEN: files with images take longer to open ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )

List of old bugs ( more than 4 years old ) fixed

  1. tdf#100480 Improve the description of the “Match case” check box in the Find and Replace dialog ( Thanks to Rafael Lima )
  2. tdf#101083 Insert SVG with too small scaling causes LibreOffice to hang, consuming 100% cpu ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  3. tdf#102846 CSV import: very long loop in preview’s field detection ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )
  4. tdf#103612 ToC is never shown in Master Document if it is in ODT in a section with a hide condition ( Thanks to Michael Stahl )
  5. tdf#112057 Clarify what Cell Edit Mode in Calc means ( Thanks to Rafael Lima )
  6. tdf#50447 Text formatting changes (in docx-file) are not shown with track changes (and not recorded by the way) ( Thanks to László Németh )
  7. tdf#59820 FILEOPEN: default csv column width is wrong with multiline cells ( Thanks to Andreas Heinisch )
  8. tdf#64086 Fileopen: named cell ranges from MSO are not imported in charts (because not supported in LO) ( Thanks to Balazs Varga )
  9. tdf#64703 PRINTING: Problem with page break when autofilter is on ( Thanks to Attila Szűcs )
  10. tdf#66250 Use a Named range as data source for Chart ( Thanks to Balazs Varga )
  11. tdf#88205 Adapt uses of css::uno::Sequence to use initializer_list ctor ( Thanks to Zeynep Yavuz )
  12. tdf#91519 Jump of document canvas view to the top of the comment disrupts editing of long comments ( Thanks to Bayram Çiçek )
  13. tdf#96561 Fails to import CSV file created with CsvHelper ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )
  14. tdf#99932 Anchor “to Character”: Anchor changes position to the document when zoom-in or out ( Thanks to Vasily Melenchuk )


96 bugs have been retested by 35 people.

Top 10 testers

  1. Buovjaga ( 13 )
  2. Roman Kuznetsov ( 12 )
  3. Timur ( 6 )
  4. Aron Budea ( 6 )
  5. Telesto ( 6
12 Aug 2021

QA/Dev Report: July 2021

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 7.1.5 was released on July, 22
  2. The Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 7.2 RC1 took place on July, 19
  3. Roman Kuznetsov is teaching a group of russian volunteers called ‘the hamsters QA Team” how to triage bugs in LibreOffice
  4. Alain Romedenne and Rafael Lima improved the Help content for the ScriptForge library – many Python examples were added. Rafael also improved the Advanced Filter and NUMBERVALUE help pages.
  5. Steve Fanning improved some Calc function help pages
  6. Olivier Hallot (TDF) updated the help page for Impress object transformations
  7. Bai Xiaochun replaced uses of homegrown math functions with standard library ones
  8. Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) fixed incorrect formatting being applied to Writer text fields while editing them and added delimiting to chapter fields
  9. Dante Doménech created a new version of the OpenSymbol font
  10. Jeff Huang cleaned out the unused code for collecting usage data
  11. Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) improved the Sidebar preview of theme colour sets by adding name display, continued working on the new searching and indexing feature and made some code cleanups and refactorings
  12. Luboš Luňák (Collabora) took the first step in getting Skia graphics engine integration to work on macOS and fixed an issue with image sizes in exported HTML
  13. Armin Le Grand (allotropia) improved the kf5 UI
  14. Daniel Arato (NISZ) added a “Same content on first page” option to Calc’s Header/Footer dialog
  15. Bubli added support for applying pattern fills from the toolbar and fixed unwanted jumping in Impress when applying animations
  16. Tibor Nagy (NISZ) added support for long slide names and presentation timing attribute in PPTX import and “Start from“ setting in PPTX export
  17. Szymon Kłos (Collabora) made many improvements and additions to jsdialog used by Online
  18. Deb Barkley-Yeung made the font features button show as disabled in the Character formatting dialog, if the font does not have features
  19. Arnaud Versini made some improvements to threaded code
  20. Rizal Muttaqin added icons for diagonal border line
  21. Michael Meeks (Collabora) fixed a couple of UI-related crashes
  22. Gábor Kelemen (NISZ) improved the find-unneeded-includes script used for optimising LibreOffice code
  23. Justin Luth (SIL) fixed an issue with numbering levels in imported DOC files, adapted the code for unique naming of custom hatches and gradients to Writer code, made a big rework for handling outline numbering in imported DOCX files and fixed a text alignment issue in RTF import
  24. Jun Nogata improved Japanese font support and added a PowerPoint-compatible screen size preset for Impress
  25. Kevin Suo fixed problems with importing bold and italic font properties from PDF files
  26. Hochwasser fixed a crash in Impress remote control
  27. Gülşah Köse (Collabora) added support for handling embedded OLE objects in PPTX import
  28. Christian Lohmaier (TDF) added support for new Google Drive authentication and also fixed OneDrive authentication
  29. Stephan Bergmann (Red Hat) made many code and build-related cleanups and fixed an old data corruption issue in UNO C++ bridge
  30. Todor Balabanov did some refactoring of the NLP solver code
  31. Hossein Nourikhah (TDF) improved some C++ SDK examples, ported C++/Java DocumentLoader SDK example to Python, fixed an issue with DOC/DOCX exported lines, fixed a regression causing Tabbed UI not working in Impress and Draw and added extra checks into SmartArt import tests
  32. Michael Weghorn made many improvements to the accessibility of the qt5 UI and also fixed a Windows accessibility issue of not announcing spinbox values
  33. Björn Michaelsen made some internal improvements to Writer code
  34. Gökçe Kuler made it so bullets are not automatically added to empty lines in bulleted lists in Impress – a preview is shown instead
  35. Baltasar made it so Basic’s Round function follows half-to-even rounding and wrote a unit test for it
  36. Mert Tumer (Collabora) made spellchecking wavy lines cached to improve performance
  37. Gizem Özgün fixed truncation of long class names in UNO object inspector
  38. Vert D made it so built-in categories in the Template Manager show deleting as disabled
  39. Tor Lillqvist (Collabora) made a build fix for iOS
  40. Heiko Tietze (TDF) clarified the AutoCorrect option to replace dashes, fixed “Get more dictionaries online“ not opening Extension dialog, made border style selection dropdown adapt to dark theme, made the infobar for “missing hyphenation data“ more user-friendly and made it so indices are not spellchecked
  41. DaeHyun Sung fixed Korean line breaking rules, numbering and date acceptance patterns
  42. Andrzej Hunt made many internal improvements to Impress Remote
  43. Mike Kaganski (Collabora) added DOC import support for fixed date/time fields, fixed DOCX importing of AM/PM time values, fixed unwanted bullet in PPTX WordArt after roundtrip, fixed some crashes and memory leaks and made many code cleanups
  44. Xisco Faulí (TDF) improved the Basic macro automated test suite and added many new tests to it. He also added several UI and unit tests for other areas.
  45. Michael Stahl (allotropia) fixed a window focus issue affecting Eclipse RCP applications on Windows and made it so unused page background images are removed from imported ODF files
  46. Regina Henschel fixed DOCX import of “Outside only“ wrap option, a positioning issue of child elements in group upon DOCX export, an issue with the distance of an image to text in DOCX import and improved DOCX import/export of contour wrap
  47. Bartosz Kosiorek made several improvements to EMF+ graphics support
  48. Eike Rathke (Red Hat) made a big rework to how Base handles date formatting, fixed an issue with Calc date acceptance patterns for Japanese and Chinese locales, fixed an XLSX roundtrip issue with booleans, added handling for Microsoft’s non-standard use of x-none language tag, added functionality to export all Calc sheets to CSV from the command line and made it so whitespace characters including LF and CR are preserved in Calc formula expressions
  49. Attila Szűcs and Tibor Nagy (NISZ) fixed DOCX import of negative page margins, zeroing of huge page sizes in imported DOCX files and fixed printing page breaks after hiding rows
  50. Jan-Marek Glogowski (allotropia) improved the qt5 UI
  51. László Németh (NISZ) added support for tracking changes in images and tables in imported DOCX files and improved removing personal info of comments and changes in DOCX export
  52. Attila Bakos (NISZ) fixed corrupt shape anchoring in text in DOCX export
  53. Jean-Pierre Ledure worked on the ScriptForge library
  54. Sarper Akdemir (Collabora) worked on PPTX header/footer field support
  55. Andreas Heinisch made Navigator tooltips show without URL encoding, made it so gallery item list accessed from Bullets and Numbering dialog only shows the filename, improved the implementations of Basic text search functions, made HTML tables in the Link to External Data Source list in order of their appearance and increased the precision of single-precision variables in Basic debugger
  56. Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) made some file dialogs remember their last directory and added support for hyperlinks on shapes in Writer
  57. Tünde Tóth (NISZ) fixed several XLSX autofilter issues and an XLSX export hyperlink issue
  58. Noel Grandin (Collabora) made PDF exporting of very large spreadsheets much faster, improved the performance of formatting many comments at once, started converting uses of the homegrown osl::Mutex to std::mutex (locks preventing race conditions in threaded code), made it possible to use Thread Sanitizer (TSan) against the codebase, implemented logging access violations on Windows build boxes in order to get more useful feedback of issues and made many code cleanups and optimisations
  59. Caolán McNamara continued implementing the new GTK4 backend, fixed a memory use issue when selecting a shape in the gtk3 UI and improved the user experience of inputting hex colours. He also made many cleanups and crash fixes
  60. Julien Nabet updated HarfBuzz to 2.8.2 and fixed several regression and crashes
  61. Miklos Vajna (Collabora) made XLSX export support button form controls, fixed handling of named ranges referring to PathMissing sheets in imported XLSX files, improved the bibliography database UI and improved XHTML import of object elements containing images. He also made many code cleanups
  62. Bayram Çiçek worked on the GSoC project “100 Paper Cuts”. You can follow his work here
  63. Shubham Jain worked on the GSoC project “Write missing unit tests”
  64. Sary Nasser worked on the GSoC project “Integrate .ui dialogs with translation tooling/string search webservice to help translators”
  65. Akshit Kushwaha worked on the GSoC project “Tests for the VCL graphic backends”, adding support for viewing test results in the UI and storing results in a zip file
  66. Balázs Sántha worked on the GSoC project “Implementing table styles DOCX support”, fixing missing styles after copying & pasting, disappearing page breaks and redoing row insertions
  67. Panos Korovesis worked on the GSoC project “Make SVM (StarView Metafile) format independent of the VCL Metafile + tests of the format”, creating an SvmWriter class
  68. Anshu Khare worked on the GSoC project “Styles Highlighter”, adding a StyleList control
  69. Tushar Kumar Rai worked on the GSoC project “Implement Interface for external data source import into Calc”, completing his original project goal and adding a Find and Replace Transformation

Kudos to Ilmari Lauhakangas for helping to elaborate this list.

Reported Bugs

497 bugs, 65 of which are enhancements, have been reported by 276 people.

Top 10 Reporters

  1. Telesto ( 57 )
  2. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 25 )
  3. Mike Kaganski ( 15 )
  4. Regina Henschel ( 13 )
  5. sophie ( 10 )
  6. R. Green ( 9 )
  7. Xisco Faulí ( 9 )
  8. Robert Großkopf ( 8 )
  9. Rafael Lima ( 7 )
  10. stragu ( 6 )

Triaged Bugs

804 bugs have been triaged by 88 people.

Top 10 Triagers

  1. Buovjaga ( 202 )
  2. Xisco Faulí ( 88 )
  3. Heiko Tietze ( 39 )
  4. Julien Nabet ( 38 )
  5. Roman Kuznetsov ( 37 )
  6. Timur ( 34 )
  7. Dieter ( 29 )
  8. V Stuart Foote ( 23 )
  9. Telesto ( 22 )
  10. BogdanB ( 21 )

Resolution of resolved bugs

571 bugs have been set to RESOLVED.

Check the following sections for more information about bugs resolved as FIXED, WORKSFORME and DUPLICATE.

Fixed Bugs

199 bugs have been fixed by 47 people.

Top 10 Fixers

  1. Julien Nabet ( 12 )
  2. Andreas Heinisch ( 10 )
  3. Caolán McNamara ( 9 )
  4. László Németh ( 8 )
  5. Heiko Tietze ( 7 )
  6. Eike Rathke ( 7 )
  7. Tünde Tóth ( 7 )
  8. Mike Kaganski ( 6 )
  9. Justin Luth ( 6 )
  10. Regina Henschel ( 5 )

List of critical bugs fixed

  1. tdf#140506 REGRESSION Setting to repeat heading in writer tables no longer works ( Thanks to Bjoern Michaelsen )
  2. tdf#143398 When I click to add a single sheet. It makes automatically two sheets. ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  3. tdf#143400 Query with most functions could not be created in GUI ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )

List of high severity bugs fixed

  1. tdf#139426 Update of Contents is freezing LibreOffice ( Thanks to Armin Le Grand (Allotropia) )
  2. tdf#142235 FILESAVE PPTX Textbox vertical top align becomes middle in PP ( Thanks to Attila Bakos (NISZ) )
  3. tdf#142923 Deleting comment in Writer leaves visual artifact behind ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  4. tdf#143291 Selecting the None slide transition has no effect ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  5. tdf#143399 FILEOPEN DOCX Writer 7.2 doesn’t import Word endnotes ( Thanks to László Németh )
  6. tdf#143412 CRASH: converting images ( steps in comment 12 ) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  7. tdf#59323 Impress conversion to PPTX doesn’t save (header and footer) fields – with sample or steps in Comment 7 ( Thanks to Sarper Akdemir )

List of crashes fixed

  1. tdf#119312 Remote control of impress; Crash in: sdext::presenter::PresenterSlideShowView::LateInit() ( Thanks to Hochwasser )
  2. tdf#143081 Basic Replace() function crashes LO ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  3. tdf#143125 EDITING Crash when closing Custom Slide Shows dialog ( Thanks to Tibor Nagy )
  4. tdf#143146 Crash by click on properties symbol for calc data in writer ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  5. tdf#143149 Crash in: vcl::Window::GetParentWithLOKNotifier() ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  6. tdf#143153 Editing Crash when grouping Text (Fit to Frame) and object ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  7. tdf#143320 Crash at paste/undo paste again (swlo!BigPtrArray::Index2Block+0xc8) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  8. tdf#143342 Crash when using “Search Command” feature ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  9. tdf#143355 crash with .uno:FontWork ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  10. tdf#143412 CRASH: converting images ( steps in comment 12 ) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin
1 Aug 2021

LibreOffice 7.2 RC2 is available for testing

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 7.2 Release Candidate 2 is available for testing!

LibreOffice 7.2 will be released as final in mid August, 2021 ( Check the Release Plan for more information ) being LibreOffice 7.2 RC2 the fourth pre-release since the development of version 7.2 started at the end of November, 2020. Since the previous release, LibreOffice 7.2 RC1, 90 commits have been submitted to the code repository and 55 bugs have been fixed. Check the release notes to find the new features included in LibreOffice 7.2.

LibreOffice 7.2 RC2 can be downloaded from here for Linux, MacOS and Windows.

In case you find any problem in this pre-release, please report it in Bugzilla ( You just need a legit email account in order to create a new account ).

For help, you can contact the QA Team directly in the QA IRC channel or via Telegram.

LibreOffice is a volunteer-driven community project and your help is much appreciated.

Happy testing!!

Download it now!

13 Jul 2021

LibreOffice 7.2 RC1 is available for testing

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 7.2 Release Candidate 1 is available for testing!

LibreOffice 7.2 will be released as final in mid August, 2021 ( Check the Release Plan for more information ) being LibreOffice 7.2 RC1 the third pre-release since the development of version 7.2 started at the end of November, 2020. Since the previous release, LibreOffice 7.2 Beta1, 208 commits have been submitted to the code repository and 100 bugs have been fixed. Check the release notes to find the new features included in LibreOffice 7.2.

LibreOffice 7.2 RC1 can be downloaded from here for Linux, MacOS and Windows.

In case you find any problem in this pre-release, please report it in Bugzilla ( You just need a legit email account in order to create a new account ).

For help, you can contact the QA Team directly in the QA IRC channel or via Telegram.

LibreOffice is a volunteer-driven community project and your help is much appreciated.

Happy testing!!

Download it now!

6 Jul 2021

QA/Dev Report: June 2021

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 7.1.4 was released on June, 10
  2. Alain Romedenne and Rafael Lima improved the Help content for the ScriptForge library. Alain also added some Basic keyword argument explanations and created a help page for Basic ThisDatabaseDocument object.
  3. Olivier Hallot (TDF) and Adolfo Jayme Barrientos clarified ‘whole sheet export’ for Calc PDF export in Help. Olivier also added help entries for VBA StrConv function, Advanced TSCP classification dialog and toolbar, revamped Bullets & Numbering dialog for Impress and Draw, Combine Text in Draw and made several improvements and tweaks.
  4. Michael Warner fixed an issue in PDF files containing Chinese characters generated with XeLaTeX
  5. Ming Hua added glossary entries about half-width and full-width characters to Help
  6. Steve Fanning documented how to escape double quotes in Help for Calc’s text functions
  7. Jean-Pierre Ledure worked on the ScriptForge library
  8. Hossein Nourikhah started working for TDF as Developer Community Architect
  9. Michael Stahl (allotropia) fixed some Writer layout infinite loops
  10. Bai Xiaochun replaced uses of homegrown math functions with standard library ones and optimised a math function for speed
  11. Baltasar made it so in Basic the results of comparison of literals have proper boolean type
  12. Gülşah Köse (Collabora) fixed a text data loss issue with PPTX roundtrip
  13. René Engelhard (Debian) made some fixes to unit tests
  14. Bubli fixed missing decimal places in Sidebar rotation spinbox
  15. Gopi Krishna Menon (Collabora) made crash reports more useful with additional data
  16. Regina Henschel improved OOXML compatibility for shadow rotation and wrap margins
  17. Chris Sherlock did some housecleaning in VCL
  18. Todor Balabanov made several improvements to the NLP solver
  19. Sarper Akdemir (Collabora) worked on PPTX header/footer field support
  20. Georgy Litvinov fixed losing anchor and endnote links in exported PDFs
  21. Michael Weghorn fixed an Android crash and made improvements to the Windows accessibility internals
  22. Balázs Varga (NISZ) fixed the option “Secondary Y Axis” in Sidebar’s Chart deck, fixed OOXML export of chart secondary axis and made it so formatted dates in standard filters are preserved upon XLSX export
  23. Luboš Luňák (Collabora) made optimisations related to graphics rendering and WMF graphic conversions
  24. Oleg Shchelykalnov made it possible to respect hidden paragraphs when saving to TXT
  25. Tibor Nagy (NISZ) added PPTX export support for a presentation’s loop attribute and improved the PPTX import support for custom slide show settings
  26. Dennis Francis (Collabora) added support for cycling through Calc’s autocomplete matches
  27. Andreas Heinisch fixed a focus issue in Custom Properties dialog, added file/product name to the Enter Password dialog title to help password managers, added column/row labels to descriptive statistics in Calc, made it so custom document properties are exported using utf8 encoding, fixed CSV import preview of text delimiter, fixed the display of custom unicode separators in the csv import dialog, corrected an issue with Chart spline calculation and made it so the filename in the import ASCII dialog title is not URL-encoded
  28. Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) added a new ODF numbered list parameter loext:num-list-format to allow for more flexibility in storing multilevel numberings. He also made some code optimisations and cleanups
  29. Jim Raykowski made it so footnote numbers are not included in Navigator heading entries
  30. Heiko Tietze (TDF) added an expert option to turn off sidebar’s minimum width, added an option to globally switch toolbar locking on/off, made the new Calc thick cursor optional, fixed layout issues in Writer Sidebar’s Page deck and fixed an RTL issue with Calc’s Insert Cell dialog
  31. Arnaud Versini made some code cleanups
  32. Tobias Schulz made it so TXT file encoding option is stored for later saving and added handling of BOM in text encoding detection
  33. Roland Kurmann fixed an issue with transposed text and multi-range selections. He also made a lot of improvements and reorganisations for Calc’s copy/paste automated tests
  34. Gabriel Masei (1&1) fixed some VCL-related crashes
  35. Marco Falke fixed an oss-fuzz build script issue
  36. Gábor Kelemen (NISZ) made many improvements to shortcut keys
  37. Muhammet Kara (Collabora) made the Customization dialog indicate experimental commands
  38. Christian Lohmaier (TDF) improved symbol extraction on Windows, related to crash reporting
  39. Gizem Ozgun added a test for exporting conditional format font size in Calc
  40. Rizal Muttaqin updated the Sifr icon theme
  41. Bartosz Kosiorek continued making improvements to EMF and WMF graphics support. Valek Filippov helped with the file analysis and testing.
  42. Eike Rathke (Red Hat) made the setting of Calc formula separators better regarding accepted characters and added evaluation of AM/PM in dates in text-to-column and CSV
  43. Julien Nabet fixed crashes in Impress, Writer and Calc. He also made many small code optimisations
  44. Jan-Marek Glogowski (allotropia) made many fixes to threads and building
  45. Justin Luth (Collabora/SIL) improved tab handling in DOCX import and made many improvements to the handling of numbering in DOC/DOCX formats
  46. Tünde Tóth (NISZ) fixed broken chart import at labels with quotes in OOXML files
  47. Mike Kaganski (Collabora) added support for columns in text boxes, fixed some crashes and made many code cleanups and fixes to test and build problems
  48. Caolán McNamara continued implementing the new GTK4 backend. He also made many cleanups and crash fixes. More information here, here, here and here
  49. László Németh (NISZ) made several improvements to change tracking and made it possible to remove personal info from comments and changes
  50. Xisco Faulí (TDF) made about 50 improvements and additions to automated tests
  51. Stephan Bergmann (Red Hat) made many code and build-related cleanups and improved compatibility with new compiler versions and unreleased C++ standard changes
  52. Noel Grandin (Collabora) continued his war on memory leaks, greatly improved the import time for DOCX documents with hundreds of images and made many code cleanups and optimisations
  53. Miklos Vajna (Collabora) made many improvements to image handling in Writer’s XHTML export. He also made many code cleanups and removed a 16bit limit in line heights
  54. Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) added a document searching and indexing feature
  55. Bayram Çiçek worked on the GSoC project “100 Paper Cuts”, adding hover effects to palettes in the Area tab and fixing an issue with cropping flipped images in Writer
  56. Shubham Jain worked on the GSoC project “Write missing unit tests”
  57. Sary Nasser worked on the GSoC project “Integrate .ui dialogs with translation tooling/string search webservice to help translators”
  58. Akshit Kushwaha worked on the GSoC project “Tests for the VCL graphic backends”, adding some tests and a UI dialog for running tests and showing results
  59. Balázs Sántha worked on the GSoC project “Implementing table styles DOCX support”, fixing missing format update of tables at table (cell) selection
  60. Panos Korovesis worked on the GSoC project “Make SVM (StarView Metafile) format independent of the VCL Metafile + tests of the format”, adding 12 tests
  61. Anshu Khare worked on the GSoC project “Styles Highlighter”
  62. Tushar Kumar Rai worked on the GSoC project “Implement Interface for external data source import into Calc”

Kudos to Ilmari Lauhakangas for helping to elaborate this list.

Reported Bugs

524 bugs, 77 of which are enhancements, have been reported by 254 people.

Top 10 Reporters

  1. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 63 )
  2. Telesto ( 37 )
  3. Eyal Rozenberg ( 27 )
  4. Valek Filippov ( 21 )
  5. Timur ( 12 )
  6. stragu ( 12 )
  7. Tracey ( 10 )
  8. Mike Kaganski ( 9 )
  9. Roman Kuznetsov ( 8 )
  10. Regina Henschel ( 8 )

Triaged Bugs

432 bugs have been triaged by 74 people.

Top 10 Triagers

  1. Dieter ( 45 )
  2. Timur ( 42 )
  3. Heiko Tietze ( 32 )
  4. V Stuart Foote ( 27 )
  5. m.a.riosv ( 22 )
  6. Roman Kuznetsov ( 19 )
  7. Xisco Faulí ( 18 )
  8. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 16 )
  9. Telesto ( 15 )
  10. Uwe Auer ( 13 )

Resolution of resolved bugs

476 bugs have been set to RESOLVED.

Check the following sections for more information about bugs resolved as FIXED, WORKSFORME and DUPLICATE.

Fixed Bugs

161 bugs have been fixed by 38 people.

Top 10 Fixers

  1. Caolán McNamara ( 12 )
  2. Olivier Hallot ( 9 )
  3. László Németh ( 7 )
  4. Heiko Tietze ( 7 )
  5. Andreas Heinisch ( 7 )
  6. Noel Grandin ( 6 )
  7. Gabor Kelemen ( 5 )
  8. Tünde Tóth ( 5 )
  9. Tibor Nagy ( 5 )
  10. Justin Luth ( 4 )

List of critical bugs fixed

  1. tdf#142478 [CRASH] searching on slide notes will crash Impress ( Thanks to Tomaž Vajngerl )

List of high severity bugs fixed

  1. tdf#140360 Provide option to turn off sidebar’s minimum width ( Thanks to Heiko Tietze )
  2. tdf#141769 Crash in: cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper::disposeAndClear(com::sun::star::lang::EventObject const &) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  3. tdf#92917 Impress 64-bit crash when I open .PPSX or .PPTX with MP3 sound ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )

List of crashes fixed

  1. tdf#139447 Crash when dragging a query or table from “Data Sources Explorer” window to a calc sheet. ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  2. tdf#141769 Crash in: cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper::disposeAndClear(com::sun::star::lang::EventObject const &) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  3. tdf#142393 CRASH: Clicking on filter by color dropdownlist (gen) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  4. tdf#142478 [CRASH] searching on slide notes will crash Impress ( Thanks to Tomaž Vajngerl )
  5. tdf#142618 LibreOffice Viewer crashes on “about” > “show notice” ( Thanks to Michael Weghorn )
  6. tdf#142638 CRASH: leaving embedded object (GTK3) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  7. tdf#142860 Crash: press Page Columns Button on Tab UI ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  8. tdf#142932 Crash when pasting cells with comments and “skip empty cells” option selected ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  9. tdf#143032 CRASH (assertion failed) when typing a format string in DBGUTIL build ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  10. tdf#143113 Crash when dragging Navigator heading (gtk3) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  11. tdf#92917 Impress 64-bit crash when I open .PPSX or .PPTX with MP3 sound ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )

List of old bugs ( more than 4 years old ) fixed

  1. tdf#103388 UI: “View > Show Formula” shows the shortcut as “Ctrl+grave” ( Thanks to Gabor Kelemen )
  2. tdf#104995 Cropping flipped images occurs at the wrong side ( Thanks to Bayram Çiçek )
  3. tdf#105089 Base: Item Status Changed ( Thanks to Olivier Hallot )
  4. tdf#106541 FILEOPEN: Numbering from custom style based on Heading 1 is not considered in this DOC ( Thanks to Justin Luth )
  5. tdf#108518 FILEOPEN: DOC file list numbers incorrectly italicized ( Thanks to Justin Luth )
  6. tdf#38187 ENDNOTES: when .odt is exported to PDF, links between anchors and endnotes are missing in both directions ( Thanks to Georgy Litvinov )
  7. tdf#46626 UI: Navigator: heading with footnote displays footnote number full size ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
  8. tdf#47365 Impress does not honor loop in PPTX presentation (fileopen done, filesave left) ( Thanks to Tibor Nagy )
  9. tdf#58250 FILEOPEN UI Custom separator is corrupted in CSV dialog ( Thanks to Andreas Heinisch )
  10. tdf#66553 Add file name to title bar of Enter Password dialog for autofilling with KeePass ( Thanks to Andreas Heinisch )
  11. tdf#68976 Formulas change after cut and paste special action with Transpose ( Thanks to scito )
  12. tdf#69207 Text delimiter not used in preview until changed (CSV import OK) ( Thanks to Andreas Heinisch )
  13. tdf#79069 DOCX: cannot delete table with Tracking changes (before: could be deleted but made a comeback after RT) ( Thanks to László Németh )
  14. tdf#90401 Allow resetting or removing personal information (author, date/time) on comments and changes ( Thanks to László Németh )
  15. tdf#92525 docx export: Text position in shape not correct ( Thanks to Attila Bakos (NISZ) )
  16. tdf#92917 Impress 64-bit crash when I open .PPSX or .PPTX with MP3 sound ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )


57 bugs have been retested by 32 people.

Top 10 testers

  1. stragu ( 6 )
  2. Timur ( 6 )
  3. Telesto ( 5 )
  4. Dieter ( 4 )
  5. Andreas Heinisch ( 3 )
  6. Xisco Faulí ( 3 )
  7. Heiko Tietze ( 3 )
  8. Buovjaga ( 3 )
  9. Robert Großkopf ( 2 )
  10. geraldg ( 2 )


111 bugs have been duplicated by 32 people.

Top 10 testers

  1. Timur ( 16 )
  2. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 12 )
  3. V Stuart Foote ( 11 )
  4. Heiko Tietze ( 10 )
  5. Telesto ( 7 )
  6. m.a.riosv ( 7 )
  7. stragu ( 6 )
  8. Xisco Faulí ( 5
18 Jun 2021

LibreOffice 7.2 Beta1 is available for testing

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 7.2 Beta1 is available for testing!

LibreOffice 7.2 will be released as final in mid August, 2021 ( Check the Release Plan for more information ) being LibreOffice 7.2 Beta1 the second pre-release since the development of version 7.2 started at the end of November, 2020. Since the previous release, LibreOffice 7.2 Alpha1, 1163 commits have been submitted to the code repository and 221 issues got fixed. Check the release notes to find the new features included in this version of LibreOffice.

LibreOffice 7.2 Beta1 can be downloaded from here for Linux, MacOS and Windows, and it can be installed alongside the standard version.

In case you find any problem in this pre-release, please report it in Bugzilla ( You just need a legit email account in order to create a new account ).

For help, you can contact the QA Team directly in the QA IRC channel or via Telegram.

LibreOffice is a volunteer-driven community project and your help is much appreciated.

Happy testing!!

Download it now!

7 Jun 2021

QA/Dev Report: May 2021

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 7.1.3 was released on May 6
  2. LibreOffice 7.0.6 was released on May 13
  3. The PowerPoint compatibility team reported on its recent work
  4. Alain Romedenne and Rafael Lima improved the Help content for the ScriptForge library. Rafael Lima also documented the WeekDay Basic function and improved the help for Calc’s CONVERT function
  5. Kevin Suo improved the Python script for generating the file filter table for Help. Kevin also fixed a font family problem in the Help CSS related to Simplified Chinese display on Linux
  6. Steve Fanning made several improvements to Calc function Help pages.
  7. Olivier Hallot (TDF) improved Help on Calc functions, databases and Calc’s autofilter
  8. Eike Rathke (Red Hat) made Calc accept 123.45 fractional input on weird formats like 0″.” or 0″.”0, expanded NatNum12 modifier support for all day and month names and made it so Calc’s ROUND() function does not limit decimal digits
  9. Jean-Pierre Ledure worked on the ScriptForge library
  10. Caolán McNamara not only continued with GTK3 backend polishing, but took on a new large-scale project: a GTK4 backend! See here and here. He also made many cleanups and crash fixes
  11. Noel Grandin (Collabora) started fixing memory leaks like an angry plumber. He also speeded up saving large ODS files, made a big refactoring as part of a longer-term goal of doing UI widget rendering only inside a top-level render- context and made many code cleanups and optimisations
  12. Linus Heckemann made it so the code for opening links is more portable considering different *nix systems
  13. Szabolcs Tóth (NISZ) fixed a case, where Calc autofilter item list would be lost after saving and reloading the spreadsheet
  14. Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) fixed a DOCX import problem with list item indentation
  15. Joshua Williams swapped comparison operators for static strings, so Basic macro code behaves logically
  16. Muhammet Kara (Collabora) made it so experimental commands are hidden, when experimental mode is not active. He also fixed a crash in Additions when fetching bad JSON data
  17. Thorsten Wagner polished the macOS window scaling implementation for Retina displays
  18. Aritz Erkiaga fixed a problem with Stock Charts corrupting upon saving
  19. Oleg Shchelykalnov added an option to respect hidden paragraphs, when exporting to plain text
  20. Vert D fixed a problem with deleting categories in the Template Manager
  21. Tünde Tóth (NISZ) fixed some Calc autofilter problems
  22. Edward Lynch fixed Impress Grow/Shrink animation scaling
  23. Bubli fixed hatch and bitmap lists being hidden in the Sidebar
  24. Justin Luth (Collabora/SIL) fixed some DOCX/DOC numbered list problems and improved the character formatting dialog presentation of subscripts and superscripts
  25. Georgy Litvinov fixed losing sections at the end of text inserted with the “Insert text from file” functionality in Writer
  26. Sarabjot Singh added a thick cursor into Calc in the style of MS Excel and Gnumeric. The cursor is used when hovering over cells.
  27. Baltasar changed the behaviour of adding commands to menus, so instead of an altert reporting of a duplicate command, the Add button becomes disabled
  28. Matt K made it so multiple Tip-of-the-Day tips can be opened and the user can interact with the application without closing the tips. He also added new UI options when opening a locked or non-writeable document to allow the user to be notified when such a document becomes editable
  29. Rizal Muttaqin made updates to Sukapura, elementary and Colibre icon themes
  30. Maxim Monastirsky made it so Calc sets the font size for the default cell style when saving ODS files
  31. Dennis Francis (Collabora) made many improvements to Calc’s autocompletion feature. The logic for presenting suggestions is now more user-friendly.
  32. Regina Henschel fixed wrong scaling of shape groups and incorrect rotation of VML shapes in imported DOCX files
  33. Arnaud versini made some code cleanups
  34. Tibor Nagy and Attila Szűcs (NISZ) fixed unhiding grid lines in imported XLSX files and fixed lost column break in shapes in imported DOCX files with support from Justin Luth
  35. Heiko Tietze (TDF) added a dark colour set in order to provide a dark theme leveraging the Application Colours feature
  36. Jan-Marek Glogowski and Thorsten Behrens (allotropia) worked on the WASM build, now merged into master
  37. Michael Weghorn made many improvements to the Android version with topics including stability, document view and inserting images
  38. Mark Hung improved the rendering of vertical text
  39. László Németh (NISZ) made many improvements to change tracking and made line style dropdowns display all of the styles in imported DOCX files
  40. Bartosz Kosiorek made a whopping 16 improvements to EMF and WMF graphics support, inching closer to perfect support. Valek Filippov helped with the file analysis and testing.
  41. Jim Raykowski made it so drawing objects selected in the document are highlighted in Navigator’s content navigation view. He also added shortcut keys for each Sidebar deck and improved the outline folding feature
  42. Attila Bakos (NISZ) fixed z-ordering and positioning of shapes in imported DOCX files
  43. Tibor Nagy (NISZ) fixed PPTX import/export problems related to slide names, internal hyperlinks and custom slide shows
  44. Daniel Arato (NISZ) fixed DOCX exporting of hidden headers and DOCX importing of text wrapping in headers
  45. Balázs Varga (NISZ) fixed several Calc autofilter issues
  46. Mike Kaganski (Collabora) improved the handling of 0-byte files, made Calc CSV import properly handle the case of no string delimiter, improved the look of the new thick Calc cursor on Windows and made many code cleanups
  47. Xisco Faulí (TDF) made over 50 improvements and additions to unit and UI tests
  48. Chris Sherlock did some housecleaning in VCL
  49. Dante Doménech finished the work on using Kahan summation algorithm in Calc in order to reduce the numerical error in the total of floating-point calculations. He also the Math formula input box zoomable
  50. Roland Kurmann made many improvements to Calc transposed and special pasting
  51. Andreas Heinisch made Basic respect case-insensitivity in find & replace, fixed a problem with sheet references not updating in charts when copying multiple sheets in Calc, fixed an issue with item selection properties not being updated in a Base form after selecting all, fixed 3D look listbox in Chart wizard not showing selected text, made macro import/export use UTF-8 with BOM and made it so externally linked tables in Calc get named based on their HTML caption element
  52. Stephan Bergmann (Red Hat) made many code cleanups and continued improving compatibility with C++20
  53. Miklos Vajna (Collabora) fixed handling of list labels and a bunch of other things in Writer XHTML export, fixed a problem with OLE object display areas, fixed a couple of crashes and made many code cleanups and optimisations
  54. Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) implemented the very popular request for filtering by colours in Calc
  55. Gábor Kelemen (NISZ) made some improvements to dialogs, toolbars and Hungarian shortcuts
  56. Gülşah Köse (Collabora) improved the new UNO object inspector, removed the warning of missing data sources upon load as the Mail Merge dialog also warns about it and fixed a PPTX export highlighting colour issue
  57. Mert Tumer (Collabora) improved the table cell selection logic in Impress & Draw
  58. Julien Nabet made many code cleanups and optimisations
  59. Michael Stahl (allotropia) fixed some Writer layout crashes and infinite loops
  60. Christian Lohmaier (TDF) fixed a build issue with recent Cygwin versions, improved the VS Code workspace template and started cleaning up the installer codebase
  61. Tushar Kumar Rai made the StrConv VBA Function handle its third argument (LCID) and fixed related QA tests. He also fixed a Data Provider crash
  62. Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) added a hecking awesome Heads-up Display type of search and made internal improvements to graphics handling code
  63. Luboš Luňák (Collabora) made optimisations related to graphics rendering and bitmap loading and improved the Skia integration. He also made it possible to write canvas unit tests and added a bunch of tests

Kudos to Ilmari Lauhakangas for helping to elaborate this list.

Reported Bugs

567 bugs, 57 of which are enhancements, have been reported by 323 people.

Top 10 Reporters

  1. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 38 )
  2. Valek Filippov ( 31 )
  3. Telesto ( 24 )
  4. Regina Henschel ( 14 )
  5. Xisco Faulí ( 12 )
  6. Thorsten Wagner ( 10 )
  7. Mike Kaganski ( 9 )
  8. Rafael Lima ( 8 )
  9. Nico ( 7 )
  10. Heiko Tietze ( 7 )

Triaged Bugs

584 bugs have been triaged by 85 people.

Top 10 Triagers

  1. Xisco Faulí ( 70 )
  2. Timur ( 61 )
  3. Heiko Tietze ( 50 )
  4. Dieter ( 50 )
  5. Roman Kuznetsov ( 36 )
  6. V Stuart Foote ( 26 )
  7. Julien Nabet ( 25 )
  8. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 20 )
  9. Harshita Nag ( 20 )
  10. Aron Budea ( 17 )

Resolution of resolved bugs

620 bugs have been set to RESOLVED.

Check the following sections for more information about bugs resolved as FIXED, WORKSFORME and DUPLICATE.

Fixed Bugs

198 bugs have been fixed by 52 people.

Top 10 Fixers

  1. Caolán McNamara ( 16 )
  2. Bartosz Kosiorek ( 11 )
  3. László Németh ( 9 )
  4. Andreas Heinisch ( 7 )
  5. Balazs Varga ( 7 )
  6. Gülşah Köse ( 7 )
  7. Eike Rathke ( 6 )
  8. Noel Grandin ( 6 )
  9. Tibor Nagy ( 5 )
  10. Michael Weghorn ( 5 )

List of critical bugs fixed

  1. tdf#142390 calc >2021-05-19, no mouse cursor in cell area ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )

List of high severity bugs fixed

  1. tdf#138302 Restart of numbering is not saved when saving to DOC ( Thanks to Justin Luth )
  2. tdf#141571 Base crashed on creation of user function ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  3. tdf#141613 Crash: swlo!SwTableNode::DelFrames+0x27: ( Thanks to Daniel Arato (NISZ) )
  4. tdf#141930 libreoffice math does not ask to save changes when closing ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  5. tdf#142040 CSV import broken in master ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  6. tdf#142150 Application crashes when EDITING line end styles (arrows) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  7. tdf#142255 Crash when trying to insert a shape ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  8. tdf#142367 Writer crashes when opening docx (GTK3) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  9. tdf#142370 CRASH: Closing tip of the day ( GTK3 ) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  10. tdf#142547 Crash when adding comment in a table in Writer ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  11. tdf#54037 FILESAVE: Loss of internal hyperlinks in PPT/PPTX ( Thanks to Tibor Nagy )
  12. tdf#76258 Filter by colors in Calc ( Thanks to Samuel Mehrbrodt )
  13. tdf#91874 A Search by function or keyword over main menu– similar to SpotLight, Tell Me, or Ubuntu’s HUD but native for LO GUI ( Thanks to Tomaž Vajngerl )

List of crashes fixed

  1. tdf#126226 CRASH: Adding comment to Track Change ( Thanks to László Németh )
  2. tdf#136292 Additions: Bad JSON crashes LibreOffice ( Thanks to Muhammet Kara )
  3. tdf#138855 Draw crashes if I use ALT+TAB to switch between two draw windows while the cursor focus is in a text box ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  4. tdf#139500 Crash mergedlo!EditUndo::GetComment+54 press undo inside table in impress ( Thanks to Miklos Vajna )
  5. tdf#141307 Crash in: SvtBroadcaster::Add (probably a basic macro issue) ( Thanks to Bjoern Michaelsen )
  6. tdf#141571 Base crashed on creation of user function ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  7. tdf#141613 Crash: swlo!SwTableNode::DelFrames+0x27: ( Thanks to Daniel Arato (NISZ) )
  8. tdf#141973 Calc crashes after F5 pressing when opened some file ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  9. tdf#142150 Application crashes when EDITING line end styles (arrows) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  10. tdf#142255 Crash when trying to insert a shape ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  11. tdf#142364 Crash when closing document after canceling chart wizard (Writer) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  12. tdf#142367 Writer crashes when opening docx (GTK3) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  13. tdf#142370 CRASH: Closing tip of the day ( GTK3 ) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  14. tdf#142467 Inserting series in Stock Chart Data Table crashes Writer (Fedora only?) ( Thanks to Stephan Bergmann )
  15. tdf#142479 CRASH: pressing return key after opening arrow styles floating window ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  16. tdf#142547 Crash when adding comment in a table in Writer ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )

List of performance issues fixed

  1. tdf#142080 FILEOPEN: DOCX: Hang after opening the file ( Thanks to Michael Stahl )
  2. tdf#79049 FILEOPEN: OOXML Workbook file hangs when opening ( Thanks
25 May 2021

LibreOffice 7.2 Alpha1 is ready for testing

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 7.2 Alpha1 is ready for testing!

LibreOffice 7.2 will be released as final in mid August, 2021 ( Check the Release Plan ) being LibreOffice 7.2 Alpha1 the first pre-release since the development of version 7.2 started at the end of November, 2020. Since then, 5971 commits have been submitted to the code repository and more than 1040 bugs were set to FIXED in Bugzilla. Check the release notes to find the new features included in this version of LibreOffice.

LibreOffice 7.2 Alpha1 can be downloaded from here for Linux, MacOS and Windows, and it can be installed alongside the standard version.

In case you find any problem in this pre-release, please report it in Bugzilla ( You just need a legit email account in order to create a new account ).

For help, you can contact the QA Team directly in the QA IRC channel or via Telegram.

LibreOffice is a volunteer-driven community project, so please help us to test – we appreciate it!

Happy testing!!

Download it now!

5 May 2021

QA/Dev Report: April 2021

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 7.1.2 was released on April 1st
  2. Ilmari Lauhakangas (TDF) wrote a nice report about the progress done by the Macro Team in the last year
  3. Stanislav Horacek updated some menu paths in Help.
  4. Seth Chaiklin clarified the meaning of numbered paragraphs in Help.
  5. Olivier Hallot (TDF) made 20 changes and additions to Help with topics including menus, Calc cell protection and direct formatting.
  6. Jean-Pierre Ledure worked on the ScriptForge library
  7. Alain Romedenne and Rafael Lima improved the Help content for the ScriptForge library. Rafel also made it so word wrapping in shapes is enabled by default in Impress and Draw.
  8. Xisco Faulí (TDF) made about 30 improvements and additions to unit and UI tests, fixed some regression bugs and added an automated check for translation domains in .ui files
  9. Rizal Muttaqin made updates to all icon themes
  10. Jan-Marek Glogowski, Armin Le Grand and Thorsten Behrens (allotropia) worked on the WASM build in a feature branch
  11. Tibor Nagy (NISZ) fixed losing internal hyperlinks upon PPTX import
  12. Vert D improved renaming behaviour in the Template Manager
  13. Tushar Kumar Rai fixed a Data Provider crash
  14. Roland Kurmann fixed filtered/transpose paste in Calc while adding many new unit tests for the functionality, fixed copying multiple cells from a Calc column and pasting outside LibreOffice and made it so only the count of non-filtered rows will be shown in Calc’s status bar
  15. Dante Doménech added some MathML structures and started making use of the Kahan summation algorithm in Calc in order to reduce the numerical error in the total of floating-point calculations
  16. Ilhan Yesil made it so the tooltip of a button created by an extension in the Sidebar is refreshed immediately upon text changes
  17. Áron Budea (Collabora) fixed a regression in the Modify DDE Link dialog layout
  18. Attila Bakos (NISZ) fixed some Writer textbox crashes and regressions and fixed PPTX exporting of template textbox placeholders
  19. Tünde Tóth (NISZ) fixed some issues with Calc filtering
  20. Jeff Huang fixed a Writer regression in inserting lines with arrow/circle
  21. Mark Hung fixed an undo-redo crash
  22. Andreas Kainz improved the Notebookbar command logic and improved the layout of some dialogs
  23. Aditya Pratap Singh made the image export dialog behaviour more intuitive
  24. Luke Deller fixed an issue with Writer using 100% CPU while idle
  25. Pedro Pinto Silva improved the macro selector and about dialog layouts
  26. Bubli fixed some Impress animation issues
  27. Heiko Tietze (TDF) made it so the location in file properties dialog is a hyperlink and improved the Style Inspector layout
  28. Matej Kivader fixed the display of custom button text colour in Basic dialog designer
  29. Gábor Kelemen (NISZ) made improvements in menu accelerators, buttons and Impress/Draw general options layout
  30. Stephan Bergmann (Red Hat) made many code cleanups, replaced apache-commons-logging with java.util.logging.Logger in report builder and elsewhere, fixed unnecessary authentication prompt upon having sftp URIs in recent documents and improved compatibility with C++20
  31. Hossein Noorikhah converted all the README files to consistent Markdown format while updating them in many places. He also fixed problems with the HTML generation solution for the READMEs
  32. Luboš Luňák (Collabora) made optimisations related to graphics rendering and bitmap loading and improved the Skia integration
  33. Armin Le Grand (allotropia) fixed vanishing form controls in edit mode or print preview and fixed a couple of linked OLE object issues
  34. László Németh (NISZ) continued adding metadata display capabilities to the Style Inspector, added support for deleted images in change tracking, improved the change tracking UX and fixed a mail merge document counting off by one error
  35. Michael Stahl (allotropia) fixed a z-order issue with floating objects, fixed missing images in imported DOCX header/footer, improved the performance of Writer word count and fixed some Writer crashes
  36. Bayram Çiçek made it so MIME type icons are displayed in the recent documents menu list
  37. Noel Grandin (Collabora) improved the speed of opening XLSX files with thousands of shape objects (with additional contributions by Caolán McNamara), improved the speed of opening XLSX files with massive amounts of row range style attributes and made many code cleanups and optimisations
  38. Arnaud versini fixed a regression in breaking links to external images
  39. Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) added unit tests for Basic dialog XML serialisation (none existed so far)
  40. Andreas Heinisch added checks for valid range names and cell references inserted via API, made Calc range name definition errors show in a tooltip, taught UI tests how to check tooltip text, made Calc sorting respect “Include formats” option, made Calc’s IRR function accept an array as argument, limited the calculation of Pearson coefficient in Calc’s RSQ and PEARSON functions and improved the Calc Manage Names dialog
  41. Thorsten Behrens (allotropia) added initial support for sccache builds on Windows
  42. Regina Henschel fixed DOCX import of group or line with rotation
  43. Bartosz Kosiorek implemented PAINTRGN record and complex clipping support for EMF graphics
  44. Jan-Marek Glogowski (allotropia) fixed clipboard handling with Wayland + Qt as well as several other Qt/kf5 issues
  45. Gülşah Köse (Collabora) fixed a mail merge issue where empty fields were returned
  46. Tomoyuki Kubota helped Caolán with the UI backend work with a couple of patches
  47. Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) made internal improvements to graphics handling code
  48. Justin Luth (Collabora/SIL) fixed losing outline levels upon DOC export, fixed z-order issues with background shapes in DOC import, made DOCX export support russianUpper/russianLower numbering, fixed a DOC import layout issue related to MS Word’s excessively liberal design settings, fixed DOC/RTF export of fixed date and time fields, fixed dupliction of comments, fields and footnotes in DOCX export and fixed many DOC/DOCX import/export issues related to numbering
  49. Michael Weghorn made many improvements to the Android version with topics including recent file display, file saving and PDF export
  50. Tor Lillqvist (Collabora) worked on the iOS version and improved the event tracing API
  51. Rounak Modi added his first unit test
  52. Eike Rathke (Red Hat) overhauled VBA Range getFormula(R1C1) to make it work properly
  53. Szymon Kłos (Collabora) added a Fontwork options panel into the Sidebar and made Impress collaborative editing more robust
  54. Julien Nabet fixed regressions in image filters and made code cleanups and crash fixes
  55. Miklos Vajna (Collabora) continued improving gutter margins (RTL) and made improvements to the bibliography feature (URL handling, page references). He also fixed issues with OLE object sizing in HTML export
  56. Jim Raykowski improved the Outline folding feature, made crash fixes, added the ability to navigate by fields with the Navigate By control and added fields content type to Navigator
  57. Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) added a mechanism to selectively enable macros for document events
  58. Matt K added a check for ODF file format associations on Windows upon startup and changed the Windows file dialog to run on the main thread to avoid crashes
  59. Mike Kaganski (Collabora) improved the Calc tab bar look, made it so pasting RTF content does not wipe out document settings, added DOCX export/import of resolved comments as “done” and made code cleanups and optimisations, crash fixes and improvements to unit tests
  60. Caolán McNamara fixed an infinite loop in spellchecking dialog layout, fixed an issue with duplicated and misplaced images in exported Archive/A-1b PDFs, made dragging hyperlinks in Writer with GTK3 backend work, continued on the last stretch of the massive UI backend work and made many cleanups and crash fixes

Kudos to Ilmari Lauhakangas for helping to elaborate this list.

Reported Bugs

577 bugs, 71 of which are enhancements, have been reported by 362 people.

Top 10 Reporters

  1. Xisco Faulí ( 24 )
  2. NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 24 )
  3. Telesto ( 24 )
  4. Eyal Rozenberg ( 22 )
  5. Regina Henschel ( 13 )
  6. Olivier Hallot ( 8 )
  7. Scito ( 6 )
  8. Roman Kuznetsov ( 6 )
  9. BDF ( 6 )
  10. Rizal Muttaqin ( 6 )

Triaged Bugs

609 bugs have been triaged by 100 people.

Top 10 Triagers

  1. Xisco Faulí ( 111 )
  2. Heiko Tietze ( 56 )
  3. Dieter ( 50 )
  4. Buovjaga ( 49 )
  5. Timur ( 33 )
  6. Julien Nabet ( 22 )
  7. Mike Kaganski ( 17 )
  8. Roman Kuznetsov ( 16 )
  9. raal ( 15 )
  10. Olivier Hallot ( 15 )

Resolution of resolved bugs

617 bugs have been set to RESOLVED.

Check the following sections for more information about bugs resolved as FIXED, WORKSFORME and DUPLICATE.

Fixed Bugs

207 bugs have been fixed by 47 people.

Top 10 Fixers

  1. Caolán McNamara ( 23 )
  2. Mike Kaganski ( 10 )
  3. Andreas Heinisch ( 9 )
  4. Olivier Hallot ( 9 )
  5. Justin Luth ( 7 )
  6. László Németh ( 7 )
  7. scito ( 6 )
  8. Miklos Vajna ( 6 )
  9. Jan-Marek Glogowski ( 6 )
  10. Attila Bakos (NISZ) ( 5 )

List of critical bugs fixed

  1. tdf#106282 Crash in: windows.storage.dll when hitting cancel in file open dialog, when a file search is running ( Thanks to Matt K )
  2. tdf#86321 EDITING, FORMATTING: diagram didn’t automatic update when change variable (steps in comment 28) ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )

List of high severity bugs fixed

  1. tdf#106195 Change docs to explain how to handle and remove direct formatting ( Thanks to Olivier Hallot )
  2. tdf#132472 FILEOPEN PPTX Table text imported with white color ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  3. tdf#132901 Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Online update crashes if “online update” feature is not installed ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  4. tdf#138785 Empty frames after deleting an image and (auto-saving the file) (track changes involved) ( Thanks to Michael Stahl )
  5. tdf#140639 It is not possible to work with an older document from LO 6.4 in new LO 7.0, slow perf ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  6. tdf#141345 new feature gutter-margin in LO7.2 produces unnecessary incompatibility with LO7.1 ( Thanks to Miklos Vajna )
  7. tdf#141504 UI Images look ugly with 1-bit depth with QT5 backend ( Thanks to Jan-Marek Glogowski )
  8. tdf#141703 EDITING Tab key no longer moves to next cell in Impress table ( Thanks to Samuel Mehrbrodt )

List of crashes fixed

  1. tdf#106282 Crash in: windows.storage.dll when hitting cancel in file open dialog, when a file search is running ( Thanks to Matt K )
  2. tdf#131634 Crash in sd::View::SdrEndTextEdit(bool) ( Thanks to Mark Hung )
  3. tdf#132901 Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Online update crashes if “online update” feature is not installed ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  4. tdf#135997 SPECIAL CHARACTER DIALOG: Crash in: SvxCharacterMap::updateRecentCharControl() ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  5. tdf#141405 LO crashes when adding control in dialog editor ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
  6. tdf#141499 Crash inserting hyperlink (fairly often) and cursor not starting in URL field ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  7. tdf#141511 CRASH: creating new document while navigator is displayed ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
  8. tdf#141531 Android Viewer crashes trying to open mail merge file with unavailable data source ( Thanks to Michael Weghorn )
  9. tdf#141537 UNO Object Inspector: Crash while inspecting file ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
  10. tdf#141547 CRASH: opening Standard Filter dialog ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  11. tdf#141557 DOCX file crashes when the anchor changed to_paragraph from as_char ( Thanks to Attila Bakos (NISZ) )
  12. tdf#141689 Crash with trendline using moving average with 2 points and type central ( Thanks to Samuel Mehrbrodt )
  13. tdf#141701 EDITING Crash when closing 3D View dialog of 3D chart ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
  14. tdf#141708 CRASH: closing document while navigator is open ( gen ) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  15. tdf#141854 Crash in: mergedlo.dll ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  16. tdf#141887 Crash on closing Writer via window decoration (X) with unmodified document and active IM ( Thanks to Jan-Marek Glogowski )
  17. tdf#141924 A specific file crashes with Style Inspector open, after deleting some text ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
  18. tdf#141967 Crash when closing Asian Phonetic Guide (gtk3) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )

List of performance issues fixed

  1. tdf#140639 It is not possible to work with an older document from LO 6.4 in new LO 7.0, slow perf ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
  2. tdf#141416 [FILEOPEN] Excel file very long to open (more than one hour) ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
  3. tdf#141556 Ongoing 100% CPU usage after opening document ( Thanks to Luke Deller )
  4. tdf#45820 insanely slow wmf import (complex