General Activities
- LibreOffice 7.2.1 was released on September 16
- LibreOffice 7.1.6 was released on September 9
- Allotropia published a couple of blogposts about their recent work on master documents and ODF 1.3 transition
- Alain Romedenne improved the Help content for the ScriptForge library
- Adolfo Jayme Barrientos improved the accuracy of some Help texts and made some smaller fixes
- Rafael Lima created a guide about Calc macros for formatting cell borders, improved the Help pages for Slide master, Calc AutoCorrect and document encryption.
- Steve Fanning improved the help for EUROCONVERT and CONVERT_OOO Calc functions
- Olivier Hallot (TDF) added Help pages for Accessibility Check Tool, ProtectFields and ProtectBookmarks, improved the pages for GPG signing and Database Advanced Settings, added examples for using Calc functions in macros and updated many menu item references.
- Ilmari Lauhakangas (TDF) replaced Help’s index filtering JS library with a more performant one
- Jean-Pierre Ledure worked on the ScriptForge library
- Ross Johnson improved paragraph keyboard navigation in Writer and fixed a problem with the grouping of Help index filter results
- Juan C. Sanz implemented connecting to a Firebird server (still missing UI)
- Natalia Gavrilova made Calc’s focus rectangle use the highlight colour rather than the default font colour
- Aleksei Nikiforov (basealt) fixed a Linux crash related to SVG icon themes
- Pierre Marty (Linagora) fixed an Impress autolayout issue
- Tor Lillqvist (Collabora) worked on the iOS version
- Daniel Arato (NISZ) fixed issues with footers in XLSX export and custom shapes in DOCX export
- Jim Raykowski completed the work on Navigator focus tracking for all content types while greatly improving its performance and improved the Outline folding feature
- Tibor Nagy (NISZ) added support for hyperlinks in images in PPTX import
- Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) added line thickness presets for borders and fixed a couple of DOCX import hyperlink issues
- Gábor Kelemen (NISZ) fixed a regression in Mail Merge email output ranges
- Michael Stahl (allotropia) fixed an issue of spelling dialog in Impress messing up text formatting in shapes and made several crash fixes
- Regina Henschel fixed an issue with line object rotation in XLSX export
- Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) improved the Calc colour filter feature
- Áron Budea (Collabora) fixed a crash caused by a performance improvement
- Julien Nabet made emoji toolbar button work on Windows, fixed a regression in Calc’s standard filter with gtk3 UI, improved the behaviour of Base’s Direct SQL dialog and fixed the percentage display in the Check for Updates dialog
- Jan-Marek Glogowski (allotropia) made internal directory handling and Windows-specific printing related code more robust
- Rizal Muttaqin updated Sukapura and Colibre icon themes
- Ilhan Yesil made internal hyperlinks in spreadsheets work in the Android app
- Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora) continued working on the new searching and indexing feature
- Hossein Nourikhah (TDF) fixed a font size problem in WMF graphics and added preliminary support for Visual Studio 2022 for building on Windows
- László Németh (NISZ) improved the coverage of change tracking, adding paragraph style tracking and making table tracking more complete
- Stephan Bergmann (Red Hat) made many code and build-related cleanups
- Chris Sherlock continued VCL refactoring work
- Michael Weghorn made many improvements to Windows and Qt 5 accessibility and added a Qt 6 VCL plugin
- Eike Rathke (Red Hat) fixed several Calc regressions related to number formats, date patterns, sorting and filtering. He also improved date pattern recognition robustness and made out-of-bounds dates show an #FMT error
- Justin Luth (SIL) improved the DOC/DOCX support for multi-level list attributes in paragraph styles and made Writer table row height optimisation more robust
- Mike Kaganski (Collabora) introduced per-process lock directories for Firebird to allow running multiple LibreOffice Base instances with Firebird embedded databases. He also fixed other Firebird issues like crashes, a LIST function issue and path issues. He also made many code cleanups and optimisations
- Luboš Luňák (Collabora) improved the backtrace functionality (code debugging), improved the performance of Calc’s COUNTIF function and made many code and build-related cleanups
- Andreas Heinisch added support for case-insensitive operations for non-ASCII characters in the VBA Collection object, made it so missing optional parameters in Basic code are handled properly, improved handling of CSV files in UTF-8 with BOM format, made it possible to set cell font colour from VBA macros and improved VBA error messaging
- Tünde Tóth (NISZ) fixed handling of password protection in XLSX and DOCX files
- Xisco Faulí (TDF) made a couple of dozen additions and improvements to automated tests
- Balázs Varga (NISZ) fixed losing images and shapes in charts upon OOXML export and made it possible to save ranges in a single Mail Merge document
- Attila Bakos (NISZ) added support for text in grouped shapes
- Caolán McNamara (Red Hat) improved robustness of Sidebar minimum widths, fixed issues with fonts in Base table views, content of Base Tablecontrols being invisible in PDF export, Windows spell checking underlines rendered with a black background and continued implementing the new GTK4 backend. He also made many cleanups and crash fixes
- Heiko Tietze (TDF) made it so Application colour Field Shading is respected with dark backgrounds, added colour palettes to integrated providing of additions, improved Calc’s Paste Special dialog and made it possible to access Writer table formula editing via context menu
- Miklos Vajna (Collabora) added support for ODT import and export of multi-level list paragraph style attributes, improved Writer layout XML dump (debugging feature), added support for linked character styles in Writer (including DOCX support), fixed unwanted shadow blurring in imported PPTX files, fixed image frame anchor type changing upon DOCX export and undo not restoring image anchor position
- Noel Grandin (Collabora) made it faster to load large Writer tables, insert large charts and export PDFs, optimised the parallel loading of spreadsheets and made many code cleanups and smaller optimisations
Kudos to Ilmari Lauhakangas for helping to elaborate this list.
Reported Bugs
591 bugs, 67 of which are enhancements, have been reported by 331 people.
- NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 41 )
- Telesto ( 38 )
- Mike Kaganski ( 18 )
- elias estatistics ( 11 )
- flywire ( 9 )
- Elmar ( 8 )
- John ( 8 )
- medmedin2014 ( 7 )
- Rafael Lima ( 7 )
- Luke Kendall ( 6 )
Triaged Bugs
571 bugs have been triaged by 88 people.
- Heiko Tietze ( 52 )
- Xisco Faulí ( 52 )
- Roman Kuznetsov ( 50 )
- Dieter ( 43 )
- Timur ( 42 )
- Buovjaga ( 39 )
- m.a.riosv ( 28 )
- Julien Nabet ( 27 )
- Mike Kaganski ( 26 )
- Telesto ( 16 )
Resolution of resolved bugs
589 bugs have been set to RESOLVED.
Check the following sections for more information about bugs resolved as FIXED, WORKSFORME and DUPLICATE.
Fixed Bugs
186 bugs have been fixed by 43 people.
- Caolán McNamara ( 18 )
- Eike Rathke ( 8 )
- Andreas Heinisch ( 8 )
- Mike Kaganski ( 7 )
- László Németh ( 7 )
- Heiko Tietze ( 6 )
- Balazs Varga ( 6 )
- Julien Nabet ( 5 )
- Noel Grandin ( 5 )
- Miklos Vajna ( 5 )
List of critical bugs fixed
- tdf#144132 Crash when insert formula object in Writer ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
- tdf#144184 Calc disables header/footer or looses footer content when saves a spreadsheet ( Thanks to Daniel Arato (NISZ) )
- tdf#144740 Criteria query (COUNTIF(), MATCH() et al) for numeric values broken considering number formats ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )
List of high severity bugs fixed
- tdf#143854 FILESAVE: Empty bullet added when saving from PPT to ODP ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
- tdf#144106 FILEOPEN: LibreOffice crashes on opening CSV file with “Trim spaces” option enabled ( Thanks to Stephan Bergmann )
- tdf#144155 CALC Row operations over 100 times slower in 7.2 compared to 7.1 ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
- tdf#144209 Result with “Precision as shown” with custom string+General number format becomes 0 ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )
- tdf#144249 Deleting 10.000 rows column in a spreadsheet: 15 sec with 4.1| 10 sec up to 300+ sec with 6.2| 130 sec with 7.3 ( Thanks to Luboš Luňák )
- tdf#144729 Crash when trying to modify a style (gtk3 only) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
List of crashes fixed
- tdf#117842 Firebird: Enabling connection pooling for firebird:sdbc driver crashes Libo when creating connection to data engine ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
- tdf#140951 Base crashes as soon as I start an ‘Abfrage’ (Windows) ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
- tdf#144106 FILEOPEN: LibreOffice crashes on opening CSV file with “Trim spaces” option enabled ( Thanks to Stephan Bergmann )
- tdf#144132 Crash when insert formula object in Writer ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
- tdf#144135 Calc causes repeatable fatal crash when I attempted to sort columns ( Thanks to Eike Rathke )
- tdf#144139 LO crashes when trying to print a form ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
- tdf#144193 CRASH: importing document (gtk3) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
- tdf#144304 CRASH: Selecting all and cutting in specific document / Inserting section ( Thanks to Aron Budea )
- tdf#144340 A query against an embedded FB database fails, and then crashed program on close on Windows ( Thanks to Mike Kaganski )
- tdf#144376 Crash when triggering twice “Protected cells can not be modified” (reproducible) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
- tdf#144564 CRASH When reloading mail merge documents ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
- tdf#144598 Crash in: SkRect::round() ( Thanks to Luboš Luňák )
- tdf#144624 LibreOffice with “gen” UI backend crashes on Linux of SVG icon theme is default ( Thanks to Aleksei Nikiforov )
- tdf#144729 Crash when trying to modify a style (gtk3 only) ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
List of performance issues fixed
- tdf#125892 Time to export a certain PDF increased with in 10 fold (previously 30 seconds (6.0) now 5 minutes (6.4) ( Thanks to Noel Grandin )
- tdf#143268 Slow response in document with many tables after Table tree is expanded in Navigator ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
- tdf#144155 CALC Row operations over 100 times slower in 7.2 compared to 7.1 ( Thanks to Xisco Fauli )
- tdf#144249 Deleting 10.000 rows column in a spreadsheet: 15 sec with 4.1| 10 sec up to 300+ sec with 6.2| 130 sec with 7.3 ( Thanks to Luboš Luňák )
List of old bugs ( more than 4 years old ) fixed
- tdf#100777 Bind Ctrl+Up/Down to uno:GoToStartStartOfPara/EndOfPara (instead of next/prev. paragraph) ( Thanks to Ross Johnson )
- tdf#105689 Emoji toolbar button (bug 100100 emoji.json implementation) not functional on Windows ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
- tdf#35129 Form spin button doesn’t expose ROLE_SPIN_BUTTON to AT-SPI ( Thanks to Michael Weghorn )
- tdf#39828 Writer table not calculating correctly if Tracked Changes shown ( Thanks to László Németh )
- tdf#45525 TABLES, Problem on adjust selected Row or Column to equal space ( Thanks to Justin Luth )
- tdf#50421 UI: “Check for Updates” menu leads to an unusable dialog (shows “%PERCENT%”) ( Thanks to Julien Nabet )
- tdf#73139 PRINTING: Content of Tablecontrols isn’t printed, when the whole Fonts are default (black) text color ( Thanks to Caolán McNamara )
- tdf#88163 [WMF] FILEOPEN Wrong size of fonts ( Thanks to Hossein )
- tdf#89383 Writer: Read-only passwords on OOXML files are not working ( Thanks to Tünde Tóth )
- tdf#95378 Navigator does not select/highlight names of images, objects, tables etc that get focus, also not with Content View activated ( Thanks to Jim Raykowski )
69 bugs have been retested by 36 people.
- Roman Kuznetsov ( 10 )
- Buovjaga ( 9 )
- Dieter ( 5 )
- Telesto ( 4 )
- Julien Nabet ( 4 )
- Xisco Faulí ( 3 )
- Heiko Tietze ( 3 )
- Alex Thurgood ( 2 )
- Elmar ( 2 )
- Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia) ( 2 )
154 bugs have been duplicated by 37 people.
- Timur ( 27 )
- Xisco Faulí ( 17 )
- Buovjaga ( 16 )
- NISZ LibreOffice Team ( 12 )
- m.a.riosv ( 10 )
- Heiko Tietze ( 7 )
- Mike Kaganski ( 7 )
- Telesto ( 6 )
- Jan-Marek Glogowski ( 5 )
- Ming Hua ( 5 )
Verified bug fixes