Author Archive

9 Jul 2019

LibreOffice 6.3 RC1 is ready for testing!

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 6.3 RC1 is ready for

3 Jul 2019

QA Report: June 2019

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 6.3 beta2 was released for testing on June, 25
  2. The bibisect repositories from libreoffice-6-3-branch-point to latest master for Windows
26 Jun 2019

bibisect-win64-6.4 is available for cloning!

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce the bisect repository from libreoffice-6-3-branch-point to latest master

25 Jun 2019

LibreOffice 6.3 Beta2 ready for testing

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 6.3 Beta2 is ready for testing!


13 Jun 2019

bibisect-linux-64-6.4 is available with KDE5 support!

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce the bisect repository from libreoffice-6-3-branch-point to latest

5 Jun 2019

QA Report: May 2019

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice was released on May, 7
  2. LibreOffice was released on May, 22
  3. Jan-Marek Glogowski keeps fixing and improving
3 Jun 2019

LibreOffice 6.3 Beta1 ready for testing

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 6.3 Beta1 is ready for testing!


20 May 2019

LibreOffice 6.3 Alpha1 is ready for testing

The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 6.3 Alpha1 is ready for

7 May 2019

QA Report: April 2019

General Activities

  1. LibreOffice 6.2.3 was released on April 18, 2019
  2. László Németh (NISZ) fixed the Autocorrect capitalization of the English i’m
  3. László Németh
4 Apr 2019

QA Report: March 2019

General Activities

  1. Libreoffice 6.2.1 and LibreOffice 6.2.2 were released
  2. Heiko and Roman Kuznetsov killed the more controls toolbar
  3. Roman